Experiencing zone control at a department store

Just this past weekend I went shopping for summer clothes.

  • Normally I would hold off on buying summer clothes because normally I can fit in all of my summer clothes but just recently I have lost 20 pounds so i cannot fit in any of my clothes especially my summer shorts.

As I was shopping I was really stressing out because I couldn’t find any clothes that really fit my figure. I was sweating a lot and then I would not sweat. Some of the department stores that I would go into would be extremely hot because of the lights that they have. I was hoping that those stores that were really hot would turn on their air conditioning system on full blast. This one department store that I went into had a very weird temperature set up. What I mean by this is that in the front of the store it would be more colder than the back of the store. I realize that this store must have zone control air-conditioning. With zone control air conditioning you can control certain parts of a business or home through different thermostats and setting those thermostats to different temperatures. It started to make sense because in the entrance it would be colder because of how hot it would be outside and towards the back of the store it would be slightly warmer because air conditioning isn’t really needed as much there. This got me thinking, maybe I could hire my local heating and cooling technician to come and give me a free estimate on how much it would be to set my heating and cooling system up to a zone control!
