Just this past weekend I went to go visit a friend that lives down south.

I was extremely excited to go there because i haven’t seen my friends new place yet.

I flew down there and the flight there was absolutely awful.

Reason being was that the weather was bad. The weather was extremely windy outside and it was chilly on the plane. When I first got on the plane I was warm and sweaty and was hoping that they would have some kind of air circulation coming from the vents above. As the flight continued on and the wind increased I started to get nervous and my body temperature increased because of the turbulence. My adrenaline started to kick in and I was feeling like I was about to have an anxiety attack. I asked the flight attendant if there was any way that they could turn down the heat. She said she would be able to but only by a few degrees. I thought that was better than nothing. That’s when I started thinking, maybe they have a heating and cooling system that’s very similar to one that’s installed in a house. It had to be similar to a heating and cooling system that’s in a house because a plane does have vents like air registers, and there has to be some sort of ductwork that’s installed above the seats. Luckily after the flight attendant turn down the air temperature I was able to cool down a little bit and enjoy the rest of my flight. Personally I don’t think there will ever be a flight where I’m comfortable throughout the entire flight because the air temperature ranges so much.


air conditioner installation