My friend just got engaged and to celebrate her engagement a few of us went down south to visit her.

We were looking forward to getting away from the cold weather for a bit and enjoy some more milder weather. When we got there the temperature was in the 50s we saw this as warm compared to the 20 degree weather that we’ve experienced all winter. We unloaded our bags and she showed us to the rooms that we would be staying in. Her apartment is older and looked like it was built in the 1950s. The apartment had central heating and cooling but there wasn’t a whole ton of air registers. The air registers were not on the floor they were on the bottom of the wall. I woke up so many times during the night and I was beginning to worry if the heat was even on. I was really cold and I went downstairs to grab an extra blanket so I could stay warm. As I was passing by the wall I saw the thermostat and took a look at the temperature it was set to. It said the thermostat was set to 63 degrees. I thought that was really chilly but I did not want to touch the thermostat, I felt like it wasn’t my place to do so. So I went and grabbed another blanket and luckily I stayed warm throughout the night. I just wish that there was heat coming out of the air registers so I could stay nice and warm throughout the night.
heating maintenance