Sought the HVAC company for help with my air quality issue

I asked what was the significance of the UV and he said that was the tool used to eliminate harmful contagions and it has been proven to kill even the latest covid virus.

When my doctor said I needed to focus on improved air quality in my home, I figured I could resort to using HEPA filters. I had an HVAC professional come out to help and he said my system actually wasn’t powerful enough to use HEPA filters. He said I could either continue to use my HVAC with air filters that had a high MERV rating, or I could upgrade my HVAC if I felt it necessary to use the HEPA filters. He also said I could have an air purification system installed which uses HEPA filters. I didn’t want to have to upgrade my HVAC system but it was good to know that I could use a quality air filter regardless. The air purification system actually sounded like a great idea and so I went for that installation. The HVAC professional said I definitely wouldn’t regret it and I should consider the UV air purification system. I asked what was the significance of the UV and he said that was the tool used to eliminate harmful contagions and it has been proven to kill even the latest covid virus. Well, I figured that was enough said and I went for this quality UV air purification system. So far I really appreciate the improved air quality and I didn’t have to pay a small fortune to achieve excellent air quality. I was experiencing breathing complications before, but now I am doing pretty well and I am getting good rest at night. I’m glad I went to the HVAC company to help me out with this air quality issue I had.

hvac repair minneapolis mn