Good air conditioning at a good cost

Getting good value is something I’ve always been quite keen on. I like to be able to get my money’s worth out of stuff while also getting plenty of efficiency. That’s the way it is with my car. My car may not be much to look at but it’s ultra reliable and I’ve gotten my money out of it for sure. Plus, it gets such great gas mileage. I suppose I bring the same sort of psychology to the HVAC equipment. Where we live, the HVAC equipment of choice would have to be the heat pump for sure. The winter is mild and doesn’t take much heating. However, we sure need all the HVAC cooling we can get during our long, hot summer. To that end, I have always tried to get the best value and efficiency from my air conditioning. It starts with an air conditioner tune up in the spring. Having an HVAC professional perform essential HVAC service on the air conditioning ensures it’s going to operate at max efficiency. From there, it’s really more up to me than anything else. I don’t just set the thermostat at a low setting and walk away. That’s wasterful on a number of levels. No, I program the thermostat so the temperature rises during the heat of the day. But, the thermostat setting comes down toward the evening and by bed time, we have a comfortable cool house to sleep in. It’s not rocket science but it does take a bit of attention to get the most out of HVAC cooling in the summer. And doing it in a way that doesn’t cost me a ton of money is a great value as well.


hvac repair redmond wa