Don’t forget to watch the HVAC condensate

It could be said that I may try to cover all of my bases all the time and maybe a bit too much.

However, that is just sort of the way I was brought up and I like to be prepared as opposed to not.

Still, I can over worry a bit about the small stuff. However, when it comes to potential problems around your house, there is no small stuff. Take the HVAC equipment for example. I rely on the HVAC equipment to provide the heating and cooling comfort my family needs and expects. To that end, I try to do everything I can to make sure the heating and cooling equipment is is good shape. I do all the once a month stuff like change the air filter. And I belong to an HVAC service plan. The HVAC service plan is great because I don’t have to worry about setting HVAC maintenance appointments. The come out for heating maintenance in the fall and air conditioning HVAC service in the spring. But along with my monthly HVAC chores, I make sure that I’m keeping an eye on the HVAC condensate. This is the moisture that comes from the condensation in the HVAC equipment. Normally, that run right out a drain line away from the house and it’s no problem. However, it’s smart to make sure that drain line is clear at least once or twice a year. A back up of this drain line could cause a water damage problem wherever the HVAC equipment is located in the house. Again, it’s a better safe than sorry situation that I simply pay attention to.


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