Started my own ventilation company, I can do it better

I’m the type of person who doesn’t like to sit back and settle for things being less-than-ideal.

If something isn’t going right in my life I’m going to work hard to make improvements.

If I noticed that something could use an upgrade I will do everything in my power to make sure that I take care of it right away. This characteristic extends to my business sense, as well. I have always been an entrepreneur because I’m good at spotting open opportunities and jumping on them. I began my first business back when I was a teenager and things have never slowed down. I’m constantly creating new business models and entering new markets with my novel ideas. Recently, I got into the air quality control industry. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t actually know anything about indoor air handling devices. If you asked me a single thing about air conditioning units, forced air furnaces, or air purification systems I would look at you like a deer in headlights. I’ve never been to heating and cooling technical school and I don’t have the slightest clue how you maintain or repair your air quality control devices. However, I know how to run a customer-centered business. After my last experience with the heating, cooling, and ventilation company in town I realized that there was a major void in high quality HVAC service. That’s when I started talking to my local commerce center and began luring high quality heating and cooling technicians away from the subpar HVAC repair shop. My HVAC dealership is going to be better, on customer service alone.
air conditioner