Pretended I cooked a lot… ventilation fan outed me

Sometimes I am baffled by the way that people jump into romantic relationships.

It seems like folks are more desperate to have a romantic partner than to have someone that they’re actually compatible with.

This is why people talk about the honeymoon phase and the cautionary tales of making sure your new boyfriend or girlfriend actually is who they say they are. If you ask me, I’m not sure why anyone would bother to lie about themselves in the first place. Eventually the truth will come out and you will have to deal with a much bigger mess now that someone is relying on you. I guess I should have realized this myself when I accidentally gave my new boyfriend the idea that I was a big fan of cooking. Trust me, it didn’t take long before my heating and cooling system revealed to the truth – I have no idea how to make anything except a fine peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You see, my guy came over for a nice dinner that we were going to cook together. It wasn’t long, however, before the indoor air was completely contaminated with burning hot smoke and toxic fumes. As I attempted to cook I managed to burn everything, ruining the indoor air with smoke and noxious chemicals. My boyfriend quickly asked how to utilize the ventilation fan so we could remove some of the toxic air before it circulated through the entire central HVAC system. Unfortunately, I had no idea. I’ve never used the ventilation fan because I’ve never cooked before. As we fled the house, covering our mouths and noses to protect from the harmful airborne contaminants, I had to laugh and tell him the truth.

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