Running out to buy a fan

I’m really not the sort of person who enjoys running errands.

If I can stay at home all day uninterrupted to get my work done I am perfectly happy.

I don’t enjoy feeling like I need to pack up, put on clothes, and get myself out the door for any particular reason. This is one of the main reasons why I am a committed online shopper and I prefer to work remotely. I can get everything done on the computer and life basically takes care of itself. Unfortunately, sometimes even I forget important tasks that require me to leave the house. For instance, I forgot that I needed to worry more about my indoor air quality this weekend than usual. Since I’m typically the only person in the house I don’t pay much attention to the central heating, cooling, and air quality control system. I put my smart thermostat on the eco temperature setting and leave it there as much as possible. However, this weekend I’m having an important house guest… my new guy is coming to visit. Unfortunately, with this extra human in the house my temperature settings are not adequate. Particularly, when we’re talking about sleeping comfortably at night. It turns out, having another body in your bed makes things rather warm. After our first night together, I was a sweaty mess without the high powered AC that we apparently needed. That hot situation is the last thing I want to endure again… but I totally forgot about the indoor air complication until now. Looks like I need to run out and buy a commercial-powered fan before he arrives.


Heat pump install