We even have the same smart thermostat and settings

I’m really not the type of person who is easily impressed by other human beings.

I know, this is a snotty and elitist thing to say.

I’m not proud of my stance on other people, but I am generally frustrated by them. I don’t find everyone to be interesting and I don’t think everyone has worthwhile things to say. In short, I’m difficult to get along with and I prefer to just spend my time alone. That’s why it was absolutely shocking when I accidentally met someone who might be a life-changer. I don’t know what to say, other than this human and I are way too similar for it to be coincidental. We have the same outlook on everything in life, all the way down to our central heating, cooling, and air quality control equipment. I know, air quality doesn’t seem like an important area of discussion when you’re first getting to know someone, but we both find indoor air handling device maintenance and management to be rather important. In fact, we are both fairly obsessed with maintaining high quality indoor air, accurate air temperature control, and low monthly utility bills. This conversation only ever emerged because we also care a lot about the same smart thermostat and temperature programming settings. Early on in our conversation we realized that we’re both operating the same temperature control units with the same eco-friendly temperature settings. We have so much in common that I’m shocked we didn’t use the same heating and cooling repair shop for the thermostat installation. There’s only one reason for that – we live on opposite sides of the country.


